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MPN / Barcode:: 10202
Regular price €967,27 EUR
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Complete Trailer unit 12V to 24V for agricultural and forestry vehicles,
for lights and ABS. At the input and the output sockets are mounted.
The connection to the towing vehicle and the trailer is made by intermediate cables. The converters inside are ABS 12-24 and ASV 12-24-6H and are mounted in a stainless steel metal rack together with the sockets.

▪ IN: 12V / OUT: 24V
▪ Input: 12V lights + 12V ABS(EBS)
▪ Output: 24V lights + 24V ABS(EBS)
▪ 7-contacts and 15-contacts lights socket 24V

  • Applicable at the towing vehicle or at the trailer
  • Input 1 with a 7-contact plug for the lights
  • Input 2 with an ABS/EBS standard socket, 5 contacts connected
  • Output 1 with a 15 contact 24V lights socket
  • Output 2 with a 7 contact 24V ABS/EBS socket, 5 contacts connected
  • For the lights output a slim adapter from 15 contacts to 7 contacts is available as an option
  • The entire converter unit is removable without detaching the screws
  • Connection cables are available separately
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Input\n voltage:12V nominal
Output voltage:24V nominal
Output power 1:Lamps/LEDs: 6 x130W, total max. 500W nominal
Output power 2:ABS/EBS maximum 2 units
Connection input 1:Lights, socket 12V, 7 contacts ISO'1724
Connection input 2:ABS, Plug 12V ISO'7638, 5 contacts
Connection output 1:Lights, Socket 24V, 15 contacts ISO'4091
Connection output 2:ABS/EBS, 24V Socket 5 contacts ISO'7638
Cable length input:_
Mechanical protection:each component entirely sealed (IP69K)
Dimensions:440 x 146 x 100mm Metal body sockets excluded
Mass:5.3 kg